Swatting flys or taking a 600lb. black bear, once you identify your target your chances of succcess are greatly enhanced if you pocess a base understanding of the strengths/weaknesses of your game.

SHADOW GAMES---Understanding and meeting the challenges of night hunting wild hogs.
SHAD.OW / SHado — A dark area or shape produced by an object coming between rays of light and a surface.
Think about this very simple definition for a second… now lets apply it to hog hunting methods that use visible light to accomplish the harvest.

When it comes to hog hunting, one of the most effective tactics you can employ to bring the animals out in the open is by using hog bait. While hog bait can be bought straight off the shelf at your local outdoors store, at HOGMAN-OUTDOORS we’ve had great success in creating our own DIY hog hunting bait. Check out our tips for drawing out feral hogs below.

Texas currently has the largest feral hog population in the nation; the invasive species has been documented in 253 of Texas’ 254 counties, and the state has an estimated total population of approximately 2.6 million hogs that can cause millions of dollars in damage each year. As hog hunters, we know one of the most effective ways to get rid of hogs is good, old fashioned ground hunting. But what happens when the population appears in a residential area, or grows faster than we can pick them off? Several areas across Texas have been implementing some conventional – and unconventional – methods of population control for just this reason.

The exploding feral hog population is wreaking havoc on states nationwide. Feral hogs, considered a non-native, invasive species, pose a serious threat to both land and wildlife: hogs root land and eat crops, resulting in mounting costs in production losses and land repair. Additionally, native species are forced to compete with the omnivore hogs for food resources, and are at risk for contracting several infectious diseases feral hogs carry, including Leptospirosis, brucellosis and pseudo-rabies.
- Making Sense Of Feral Hog Senses
- Shadow Games Night Hunting Hogs
- DIY Hog Hunting Bait | Tips and Tricks For Taking Feral Hogs
- Feral Hog Population Control Methods Across Texas
- Tips For Hog Hunting With Feeders
- Louisiana’s Growing Feral Hog Problem
- Feral Hog Hunting: How to Take Advantage Of Hog Weaknesses
- Feral Hogs Plaguing Rural Missouri
- It’s Open Season In South Carolina For Hog Hunting