Game Alert® Endorsed by Luke Clayton
HOGMAN-OUTDOORS has hit the airwaves! Game Alert®, our one-of-a-kind hog hunting product, has been endorsed by none other than Luke Clayton, host of Outdoors with Luke Clayton and Friends, High Plains Outdoors, and Outdoors with Luke Clayton, and author of the new book Kill to Grill – The Ultimate Guide to Hog Hunting.

For a detailed explanation of Game Alert® and how it’s been helping Luke, check out his article, “Time to Get Ready for Hunting Season” and read the excerpt below.
“I’ve been using one of these very useful units for several months and it has made my night hog hunts much more relaxing. It’s important to note the Game Alert’s sole purpose it to signal the hunter game is around the feeder. It is not a night light to illuminate the game. Actually, the game never knows the light comes on.”
-Luke Clayton
We’re sure you’re familiar with Luke and his numerous hunting and fishing-themed outdoor radio shows, but if you aren’t head over to for a full schedule of his radio shows, which air from Nebraska to Texas, or listen anytime online.
Hunting At NightGame AlertHog feeder lightsNight hunting lightsHog hunting lightsScope mounted lights