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What Color Flashlight Is Best For Feral Hog Hunting?Click to read more
It’s night in the woods – hog hunting season. How long have you been in ground position, waiting for the familiar sound of a twig snapping under a sow’s hoof? How long have you lying, belly-down in the dirt, waiting for a hog to slink up to the feeder, 200 hundred yards away? How long have you been waiting to take aim, to make the perfect shot?
Three Tips for Hog Hunting at NightClick to read more
When is the best time to hunt feral hogs? It’s a question we hear over and over, and the answer is always the same – at night. As hog hunting has become an increasingly popular method to control the expanding feral hog population, the species has adapted to hunter behavior by becoming nocturnal. As a result, the best time to hunt feral hogs is when they’re awake and feeding at night.
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Hog Blog Archives
- Green Hunting Lights - Understanding The Need/Application of Night Hunting Lights
- Hog Lights – Choosing The Right Light For Night Hunting.
- Wild Hogs Wreak Havoc on Deer Hunting
- Feral Hog Hunting Checklist
- What Color Flashlight Is Best For Feral Hog Hunting?
- Three Tips for Hog Hunting at Night